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Lesson Offerings

15 practices, hours of content

    1. Intake Forms

    2. Warmup Tools & Equipment

    1. Zones of Respiration

    1. Vision, Upper Cervicals, & Suprahyoids

    1. Pelvic Floor & Deep Core

    1. Skull & Pelvis

Vocal Warm-Ups

  • $34.99
  • 15 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

Core Concepts

Anatomy & Function | Breath Intake | Zones of Pressure | Phonation & Movement

  • Students are invited to explore the relationships between the voice and surrounding anatomical structures. The educational portion of this course puts into layman's terms the relationships between the voice, body, and breath.

  • Exploring the current quality of one's breath is key to warming up the body and voice. Through visualizations and keen awareness practice, students deepen their mind-body relationship through breath.

  • Healthy phonation occurs through proper management of breath pressure within key anatomical regions. Students will explore breath practices within each zone of respiration.

  • The pinnacle learning objective in Vocal Warm-Ups is to integrate phonation and refined movement patterns with dynamic breathing. Improving the movement competency between each respiratory zone and support breath pressure ensure the vocal folds are acclimatized, pliable, and primed for injury prevention and long-term vocal health.


Jay Colwell

Voice & Movement Therapist

An entrepreneur at heart, Jay Colwell has enjoyed a novel career full of creativity and variety. He has served music and the classical singing industry life-long. In his role at the Singing Body Clinic, he has coached Grammy award-winning and nominated artists, and maintains a coaching roster of singers from the world's leading opera houses including The Metropolitan Opera, LA Opera, Bayerische Opera, The Royal Opera House, San Francisco Opera, and others. He holds degrees in Vocal Performance and nationally recognized certifications in various therapeutic somatic modalities. He has mentored under medical airway professionals, as well as manual, movement, myofunctional, and board certified orthopedic therapists. Currently Jay is based out of Newport Beach, California.