Let's Improve Jaw Health

Have clicking, uneven movement, or TMJ related pain? This class helps participants grasp how the jaw moves and functions, and provides personalized and integrative exercises to improve overall jaw health.

Class Overview

Introduction to the temporomandibular joint

    1. Lesson 1: The Whole Picture of the TMJ

    2. Lesson 2: Drivers of Dysfunction

    3. Lesson 3: Movement Science of the TMJ

    4. Lesson 4: Muscles of the TMJ

    5. Lesson 5: Assessing & Palpating Your TMJ

    1. Lesson 1: Improving the Clicking, Popping, Uneven Opening, and Overall Jaw Movement

    1. Lesson 1: Ground & Global Movement

    1. Lesson 1: Exploring Integration

Access Anytime, Forever

  • $24.99
  • 8 lessons

Jay Colwell

Voice & Movement Therapist

An entrepreneur at heart, Jay Colwell has enjoyed a novel career full of creativity and variety. He has served music and the classical singing industry life-long. In his role at the Singing Body Clinic, he has coached Grammy award-winning and nominated artists, and maintains a coaching roster of singers from the world's leading opera houses including The Metropolitan Opera, LA Opera, Bayerische Opera, The Royal Opera House, San Francisco Opera, and others. He holds degrees in Vocal Performance and nationally recognized certifications in various therapeutic somatic modalities. He has mentored under medical airway professionals, as well as manual, movement, myofunctional, and board certified orthopedic therapists. Currently Jay is based out of Newport Beach, California.

Invest in your jaw health.